I recently had to write a biological sketch about my entire life for a scholarship application.
For kicks and giggles and because I love my blog so much, I decided to share it with you all. It was hard to write about an entire 20.02 years of my life in 300 words. I feel like I've lived more than just one paragraph. But maybe I haven't.
This is my life. In 300 words:
I was born on the first Tuesday of April in 1989. I inherited a body and a family—all at once. I grew up in the dry Utah air. As a kid, I lived to “play pretend”. I imagined myself as a doctor, a princess, a teacher, and a world-renowned rodeo star. During my middle school years, I broadened my horizons and grew to love the creative English language through writing. I experimented with music as my fingers stretched over the fingerboard of a violin. I dabbled in culinary arts, piano-playing, basketball and softball. My life was shaped by new things during my seventeenth summer. That year, I participated in a nationwide competition in Tennessee. While competing, I grew in ways unbeknownst to me. My eyes were opened as I met people of different races and cultures. My competitive nature became apparent as I presented what would become a national gold medal project to differing judges and most of all, I found myself as I re-evaluated the values that had been instilled in me since I was born. The Gospel truths I’d been taught all my life quickly became more than just teachings—they became the immovable foundation of my existence. I realized who I was meant to be and took a stand for my beliefs. But that wasn’t the end of the story, I kept growing up. I graduated from high school and accepted a scholarship at Brigham Young University in Provo. Now, as an elementary education student in my second year, I am still just growing up. Through it all I’ve learned that the first Tuesday of April in 1989 was more than just a good day where I was given a body and a family. No, I was given much more. I was given a beautiful life.
1 week ago
Very well put, I hope you get the scholarship...that was an awesome essay.
Hey when are finals done? We need to all go out for ice cream again!!
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