
F. U. N.

Fun (fun):
1. A source of enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure.
2. Enjoyment; amusement: "have fun at the beach."
3. Playful, often noisy, activity.

(Yes. We are artists. The gallery opens at the end of the month.)

I sure had my share of fun today. I was amused. I enjoyed myself. And it was definitely a noisy activity. Let me present to you something I haven't done since I was 3 years old... FINGERPAINTING! I think we did a pretty good job considering our fingerpainting skills have been out of commission for over a decade. I've missed the ooey gooey-ness of the fingerpaint that comes in the simple form of primary colors. Childhood memories from when I would paint with my sisters at the table with paintbrush in hand and paper towels standing at the ready came rushing back in a wave of nostalgia.

It made me think, Why did I ever stop doing this in the first place?


FamiLee said...

Looks like fun!

Oh that 2nd picture bugs...but i love your face!

Stephanie said...

How fun! You crack me up!

Miss Siglin said...

fabulous, the rising star of modern art! I (Elaine)was just playing with a cool website I found out about in one of my ed classes, it's so cool. For every answer you or your students get correct, the site donates rice to the hungry! cool, huh? Check it out: www.freerice.com

Thad and Julie said...

I am thrilled to see you haven't lost your skills! I also highly approve of the camera angle!! ;p

Tacie said...

You win! You're prize is... 1 million dollars! (Void if not claimed within the next 3 seconds... 3... 2... 1...) Too bad!

Oh! And thanks for my note at the MTC today... you rock! It made me laugh!