Introducing the new series release of "The Series of Unfortunate Events-Jamie Style!" Included in this series will be Jamie's adventures through the harsh reality of college life and the epic of homework assignments, books, and papers yet to be written. Welcome to the first episode, doubly named, "Death by American Literature 101."
After a grueling 3 hours of high maintenance stress, Jamie has finally finished every flashcard, note, and memorization needed for her American Lit. test tomorrow. Every little date from when Columbus sailed the ocean blue to Benjamin Franklin's extreme obsessive compulsiveness over personal improvement (the man was a genius, but seriously, have some fun once in a while!) Cotton Mather was a sick man who had nothing better to do than to accuse innocent women of witchcraft and Anne Bradstreet had a split personality that makes for a confusing read through her poems.
Stay tuned for another episode in my life. I guarantee there will be more in future events. Until next time-this is Little Jay Madsen Broadcasting, over and out.
Well, I know how you got a new white board for christmas, and I have a spiffy set of awesome markers! If you ever need a study buddy again, you know where to find me! HAHAHA but still I still laugh at you for your pain and misery... *shudder* I still have to go through the same pain and misery though! Argh! Thanks for ruining my day... I love you!
Good luck on your test. As for me, I'm not taking one tomorrow, but I am writing one! Should I make my students sweat???? Yeah I think I will! Power, absolute marvolous power. Heh Heh Heh (imagine a very sinister laugh)
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