You know what? Life is a big pain in my patootie (what my aunt lovingly calls a persons 'bum' at times). T reminded me that life is supposed to be hard though. If it wasn't hard, then it wouldn't be very worthwhile, now would it? I'm on this earth to learn and grow. I promised to do that.
I like to think that Heavenly Father and I had a nice little talk those few moments before I was sent down to this world. Maybe we didn't even talk. Maybe He just held me close and told me that He loved me and that it wouldn't be very long until we saw each other again. Then I think of how I would have felt, standing in line for the time my spirit and body would unite for the first time. Would my new family love me? Would I grow up to be someone that would be great... or small? What would my career be? Who would I marry? Did he already leave the premortal life before me or is he somewhere in line behind me? Would I be a good person? What kinds of mistakes would I make? Did I already know the answers to these questions? I'm thinking I was probably scared. A lot. You're probably wondering why I'm even writing about this. Maybe it's because I'm scared. A lot. You know what's funny? It's about some of those exact same questions I might have asked right before I was born.
Figuring out who you're going to spend eternity with is not the easiest thing on earth. Going to school and going through what seems to be endless lesson plans, tests, and teachers that just don't get it is hard. Even little callings and meetings sometimes seem like they take up too much time. But you know what? I'm going to kick myself into gear. No one ever became anyone great unless they did something about it. My problem? I'm scared to death of falling. But hey, fear and faith cannot live together. And I'd rather live in faith rather than fear. So open the door, let me jump out, and life-be prepared, because J is coming skydiving and she just started falling!
I only hope that the chute opens when I get close to the ground.
P.S. Check out Bobbi and Mike Photography if you're up to looking at some amazing work by some amazing photographers!
1 week ago
Your friends call you "James!?" So what, am I not a friend os something!? :(
YOU are the freakin' amazing one!
and you know what?
God's not gonna let you fall. He'll catch you, promise :)
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